Prudential Financial is accepting nominations through November 1 for its annual Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, a program recognizing students in grades 5 through 12 for outstanding volunteer service. Awards are given at the local, state and national levels ranging up to $5,000.
2011 honorees included a Rhode Island girl who turned 36,000 gallons of waste cooking oil into heating fuel for needy families; a high school senior from Utah who helped build a day care center for impoverished single mothers in Guatemala; and a 14-year-old from the Chicago suburbs who collected more than $14,000 worth of treats – including 600 pounds of Twinkies – for American troops in Afghanistan.
If you know of students in your area who deserve recognition for volunteer service, encourage them to apply online at Applications must also be submitted to a middle or high school principal, county 4-H agent, Girl Scout council, American Red Cross chapter, YMCA or affiliate of the HandsOn Network, who must certify the application by 11:59 p.m. (CST) on November 8 at
Those without Internet access can get an application by calling 877.525.8491. Following the same deadline, paper applications must be certified and mailed by an aforementioned official to: Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, International Scholarship and Tuition Services, P.O. Box 23737, Nashville, TN 37202.